[Speed] Unleash 100% self-management for boosted performance and control in your connections 🚀

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Speed APP, the cache solution to reduce search traffic and response times. Our latest update introduces enhanced connection management, providing you with even greater control and flexibility over your connections using our cache. :rocket:

Effortless Connection Control :computer_mouse:
With this new functionality, you now have the power to manage Speed for all your connections, regardless of whether the Buyer is using the Legacy or the Hotel-X API. Activate or deactivate Speed at your convenience, configure the mode, and set the Time to Live (TTL) for stored transactions. This level of control allows you to tailor Speed to your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

Track Performance Metrics :bar_chart:
In addition to connection management, you can now measure the performance of Speed in your connections in terms of transactions and reduced response times. Gain valuable insights into how Speed is improving your search transactions and boosting the efficiency of your booking process. Armed with this information, you can fine-tune your operations and boos your business.

What do I have to do? :thinking:
Just visit our website or reach out to our article to learn more about Speed and how you can optimize your search traffic and elevate your travel business.

Take control, boost performance, and unlock new possibilities with our enhanced connection management for Speed!