Several newbee questions

I started to implementing Pull Sellers API and got several questions that not covered with docs.

  1. What Configuration Element need for? I’m mostly interested in Url’s elements like UrlGeneric or UrlAvail.
  2. According docs, requests and responses are not modified. Does it mean that our system should process GraphQL requests? And why a search request in seller API has a different structure than one in buyer API?

Thank you.

Hi @d.vakulenko,

First all, welcome and thanks for use our Community.

  1. These endpoints are the ones that the integration will use to go to your system, where you must have these entries implemented.

  2. Depending on whether it is connected as a Seller or Buyer, it has a different API, since they have a different focus and responsibilities, in addition to the fact that it was created at different technological moments.

Kind regards.

Thanks, but I have some points I need to clarify.

  1. How should our system process these url-s?
  2. My company connected as Seller, is it true that we’ll get only xml requests in structure like this?

Hi @d.vakulenko

  1. The GenericURL is the endpoint where our system sent to you the rq. Probably you only use one.
  2. Yes, you will receive XML requests with the format that you said: BookingFlow and StaticMethods, and in all the rq you will receive the configuration element too with the URL, parameters that you define, usr, password…

Best regards

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