New Rule Distribution

We need a rule in Inventory to be able to set a minimum stay in a certain hotel and for a certain client.

Dear Enrique,

Thanks for your contribution! :hugs:

As our business rules engine is Distribution, we have adjusted the title and tab for the idea. Let’s check with our Tech team and gather some interest from other partners as well!

Best Wishes,


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We have hotel contracts that, due to their commercial policy, only sell their rates as packaged rates, that is, being able to sell them with other services.

Hi again @enriquej !

If the idea is related to Inventory, you can load a Rate Rule to identify and inform your clients about a Packaged rate:

This rate rule will be also informed to your Buyers so that they respect the rule when distributin your product packaged.

Also you can inform a Minimum Stay per hotel when loading the contract but it’s applicable for all clients. Is this the idea you would like to propose: to offer a minimum stay rule to apply to certain agencies in Distribution, no matter how the contract is loaded in Inventory?

Look forward to your feedback,



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Yes, our idea is to be able to upload a special product for a special client for a minimum stay as a rule in distribution