Insights and Hotel Portfolio: new section and new reports!

We are delighted to announce a new release in the menu of your private area within the Travelgate platform: Insights and Hotel Portfolio report.

What will you find?

  • Take a look! The navigation menu has been updated and the apps have been categorized into Monitoring, Smart Traffic and Insights.

  • In the new Insights category, you will find reports designed to help you comprehend the performance of your connections and hotels, thereby enhancing competitiveness within our marketplace.

  • The “Hotel Portfolio” report will aid you in understanding how the portfolio is being requested through your connections, identifying the necessity for new updates, and determining the volume of hotels that may be requested but are no longer available in the Seller’s portfolio.

If you want to delve into this new report and learn all the details of the information it provides, below are the links to:

What’s next?

We recommend that you visit the platform regularly, as we are working on additional reports to streamline your day-to-day interactions with your connections.