[Hotel-X Pull Buyers API] Introducing the new 'description' field for cancel policies

We’re thrilled to share some fantastic news that will make your experience with our Hotel-X Buyer API even better. We’ve added a cool new feature - the “description” field within the “CancelPolicy” node in the Quote query.

What’s the purpose of the new description field in CancelPolicy? :bulb:

Think of the “description” field as a note from the supplier that gives you extra details and information about their cancel policies. This field is all about offering you more insight, making your decisions smarter.

:warning: While the “description” field is super helpful, it doesn’t replace the cancel penalties node. You should still use the cancel penalties node for all your cancel policy queries. This new field is like an awesome bonus.

Remember that not every supplier might share this description. However, here’s a simple example of what this info could be like:

"cancelPolicy": {
	"refundable": true,
	"description": "No shows will be charged at 100% of the reservation value",
	"cancelPenalties": [
			"hoursBefore": 192,
			"penaltyType": "PERCENT",
			"currency": "EUR",
			"value": 30
			"hoursBefore": 48,
			"penaltyType": "PERCENT",
			"currency": "EUR",
			"value": 50
			"hoursBefore": 24,
			"penaltyType": "PERCENT",
			"currency": "EUR",
			"value": 100

How to get started :rocket:

Using the “description” field is as easy as pie. To check it out, simply add it to your quote query, inside the ‘CancelPolicy’ node.


This update adds more flavor to your data, helping you make booking and reservation management a breeze. We believe the “description” field will make your interactions with suppliers more transparent and enjoyable.

Got questions or need a hand with this new feature? Our support team is here to help, so don’t be shy about reaching out.

Thanks for being part of the TravelgateX community! :blue_heart:

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