About the 📯 Release Notes Sellers category

This category notifies every Seller integration install/rollback, new versions and updates.

You can subscribe to this category receiving only notifications of a specific supplier by using supplier tags: ‘sup:XXX’. Remember that you can manage your notifications preferences under your Profile

Release Notes Sellers Format

Our engineers are working on bringing to you a structured format for the release messages based on Commits Conventional Commits specification. Our format will be as follows:

<Type>[optional scope][!]: <description>

[optional body]

The <Type> used will be:

  • Feat: the release adds a new feature.
  • Fix: the release patches a bug
  • Refactor: the release consists of a code modification that does not imply a new feature or bug fix.
  • Update: a small change that does not imply a refactor of the code, as an update of some dependencies or other very small changes.

[optional scope][!]

This field is optional, these are the methods affected by the release, written between parentheses. If there is no scope, we understand that the release affects all, unless in the body is said specifically what methods are affected. The scopes that you can find are: Search, Quote, Book, Cancel, Commit, Booking, Metadata, Destinations, Categories, Boards, Rooms, Hotels. Additionally, If the release is a breaking change this going to be signalled with an exclamation mark.

If you have any doubt about this format do not hesitate to contact us