Traffic Optimizer: improve your L2B ratio in real time!

Check out the new feature available in our Traffic Optimizer APP!

Now you are able to activate, deactivate and edit the optimization criteria of your current connections and accesses in real time, no more tickets to our Customer Care team! Reduce unnecessary Search traffic and improve your L2B ratio at zero cost!

Let’s first remember why Traffic Optimizer can be your new favorite APP:


Because optimization has to be easy!

Searching for availability in hotels that for some reason don’t convert isn’t just annoying, it’s a waste of money. This is one of the Industry’s biggest problems, one that is almost regarded as “normal” by many Travel Industry players.

Traffic Optimizer is applied to a particular connection or access and it analyses data gathered from all the transactions that take place in our Marketplace to identify and block hotels that did not convert the previous day, based on different configurable criteria :vertical_traffic_light::

  • No Availability: blocks hotels with 100% no availability returned in the last 24 hours.
  • Zero bookings: blocks a particular hotel offered by a Seller that has never been booked in TravelgateX.
  • Not in portfolio: identifies and blocks hotel codes that are no longer offered by the Seller.

Check out the full article on Traffic Optimizer in our Knowledge base. :books:

Who can benefit from Traffic Optimizer?

Every connection through our Hotel-X Buyers API!

  • Improve your L2B ratio.
  • Reduce Search traffic and save costs.
  • And even reduce response times!


The functionalities currently available in our Traffic Optimizer APP allow you to activate/deactivate the APP and modify the optimization criteria in real time:

:mag_right: Check the optimization criteria applied by connection or access.
:computer_mouse: Activate/deactivate Traffic Optimizer with a few clicks.
:gear: Add and remove Traffic Optimizer criteria by connection or access whenever you want!



:warning: The activation for the ‘No availability’ and ‘Zero booking’ criteria will be automatic! For the ‘Not in portfolio’ criteria, our team will handle it and let you know as soon as it’s working!

What do I have to do?

Just access our APPs section, click on Traffic Optimizer and start improving your connections’ performance!

Your feedback is essential to us, so don’t forget to leave your comments in the survey that will pop up when you first check out Traffic Optimizer!

Coming soon… :eyes:

  • Check which hotels are being blocked by Traffic Optimizer in real-time and why!
  • Monitor the performance by date range in terms of Search traffic and L2B reduction.