New Logging app - view more results per page

Hi guys
On the new Logging app (TravelgateX) we do not have the possibility to view more than 10 results per page.
On the other hand, on the old dashboard Logging interface (Logging), you were able to select to see 20, 50 or 100 results per page.
Would be fantastic to implement the same on the new Logging app page
Thanks Daniel

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your feedback!

Could you please provide us with more details on what is the need to be able to have more results per page (e.g. to have a better overview of booking errors)? That way we can discuss with the design team which is the best solution.

Thanks again!

Best regards,

Hi @camila.perez
You may have a better overview of your connections and by being able to view more results per page, you may filter better and see everything on one page (see attached printscreen with the old logging which allowed to see up to 100 rows per page vs the new one where I have to navigate to second page in order to understand how many errors I have in the selected time interval)


Hi @daniel ,

We have added the possibility to view more than 10 results in our new Logging app page. Now, you will be able to select to see 10, 20, 50 or 100 results per page.

Thank you again for your idea!

Best regards,