Distribution: now more than 150 currencies supported

Check out the new Distribution release!

Now you will be able to use more than 150 different currencies! :money_mouth_face:


Because competitiveness is vital! :money_with_wings:

Distribution is a great tool to apply multiple business rulesโ€™ combinations, sales campaigns and even multiple currencies set up to buy and sell.

We encourage our partners to grow globally and expand sales in new markets with additional currencies not supported by the European Central Bank. Due to this, we have increased our supported currencies in Distribution, reaching more than 150! :currency_exchange:


When managing currencies in Distribution, you can apply currency exchange from the currency provided by your supplier to the one used by your clients, as well as other options:

The currency exchange used by default in Distribution is updated every day from the European Central Bank (ECB). The number of currencies offered by the European Central Bank (ECB) is limited, so in case you need a currency that is not supported by ECB, we can set up an additional exchange supplier offering more than 150 currencies. This option could be also used while you use ECB exchange for your main currencies.

What do I have to do next?

If you are an active user in Distribution, you just need to open a ticket requesting your additional currencies, and our technical team will support you with this set up.

If you are not an active user of this solution and need to know more, please check the full extranet guide in our Distribution Documentation and our Knowledge Base. :books:

Our TeamX will be pleased to support you if you have any question!
Also you can reply to this post and we will be happy to read you! :star_struck:

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