Distribution: new feature to load negative business rules

Check out the new Distribution release!

Now you will be able to apply negative selling rules whenever you need! :money_with_wings:


Because flexibility is essential! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

In travel trade, we face multiple challenges in different markets due to currency fluctuations, aggressive competition and diverse business environments and strategies.


We open a new possibility to our Distribution partners: load negative business rules that may create a selling price lower than purchasing price.

By default, in order to prevent manual mistakes, our system does not allow you to sell under purchasing price, even if you have loaded one or more business rules combined generating a negative markup. This new option needs to be activated by Agency so that you can activate and apply negative business rules only to certain clients.


In order to use our new feature, you need to follow these indications:

Select the agency to activate this option and click in Rules-Configuration.

Once you open this set up screen, you will see the new option in the Pricing module:

In you click on the question mark icon :question:, you will see additional info about the feature to be considered and you can simply activate it:

Once activated, if you load a negative selling rule, it will be applied even if your selling price is lower than purchase price:

Once you get a booking, you can see detailed information about Selling rules applied as usual in your booking detail:

What do I have to do?

If you are an active user in Distribution, you just need to follow previous steps and activate the option in the Agency configuration, proceeding to load negative mark up whenever you need.

If you are not an active user of this solution and need to know more, you n, please check the full extranet guide in our Distribution Documentation and our Knowledge Base. :books:

Important note:bangbang::bangbang:: selling under purchasing price may involve business loss for you, so please be aware of the risk and apply negative business rules only when you have a global positive income after the application of this measure. :underage: :wink: