Alerts: learn all about the new L2B Alerts!

Check out our new Alerts app release and learn all about L2B Alerts!

Constantly checking your Look-To-Book ratio? Don’t worry, we have added a new real-time notification in our Alerts app to keep you informed whenever the L2B of your connections exceeds a specific value determined by you!


Because reaction time is key!

We know that L2B is one of the industry’s biggest problems, because Search traffic without bookings is a waste of money. Detect potential anomalies in real time and get an immediate notification to react on time in order to avoid a negative impact on your business. Solve issues faster than ever before. :rotating_light:


Alerts app is very easy and quick to use. You just need to identify the type of alert you need, establish the conditions and configure them in the panel created for this purpose:

  • Check existing alerts and their status
  • Create, modify and delete alerts
  • Activate or deactivate alerts

Please, check out the full article related to this app and how to create L2B alerts in our Knowledge Base. :books:

What do I have to do?

Nothing! Just go to our APPs section and click on Alerts to start controlling your connections!

Your feedback is essential to us, so don’t forget to leave your opinion in the survey that will pop up when you check out Alerts!

Coming Soon…. :eyes:

We plan to add the following alert types:

  • Traffic peak
  • Average response time
  • Price